Pure HTML/CSS/JS Game for Pass The Game Jam Day 4

My Additions:

  • Arcade Mode
    • Charachter Select Screen
      • Created charachters Mr. Weenie and Amogus
  • Adventure Mode
    • The foundations of a choose your own adventure game
    • I chose to include the open season charachters lol please someone make a story
  • Updated CSS Styling
  • Tweaked some of the AI logic

I had only ever made static website before this, and feel like I learned so much expanding on this project. If you have never used HTML/CSS/JS, don't be afraid to try something new! 


Day-4-Files.zip 10 MB

Install instructions

I'm going to give instructions for someone who has no experience at all working with html/css/js.

  • Download the Source Code Zip File
  •  Pick you're IDE (I recommend VS Code because of it's many plugins that are helpful for frontend work) Some plugins are:
    • TheLive Server plugin is super useful, when you save a file (Ctrl+ S) it will automatically update a live browser with your changes
    • Prettier (Automatic formatting for your HTML Code)

Then you are all set! I had never used JS script before, but the code from the past days is a super good resource to learn HTML/CSS/JS. Give it a try!

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